Region II Budget Committee Final report
The Region II Budget Committee called in on 8-1-19 @1pm MST to discuss the regions financials. In attendance was committee chair Russell Murphy, Teri Ottens(AMS), Tracy Rowley(AMS), Karen Courtney(Laural, MT). Teri and Tracy gave a very detailed QuickBooks report for the Regions budget, and we found that as of August, we have a balanced budget. When AMS got started managing the books, it was more of an expense than what we had expected but then averaged out to around 2 hours billed per month($120) or $1,450 per year. The Regions membership of $1,500 will cover the expense of AMS keeping the books. The remainder of our budget comes from what the Region receives from its Preferred Provider training sessions. We discussed that it is very important that the Chapter who chooses to use the benefit, bring in an amount of at least $3,000. If they are not able too, budget cuts will need to be made to travel expenses and other expenses. We ended the meeting and asked everyone to think about some different ways of generating more revenue for the budget. Some things the Region may want to consider are, increasing the dues, have donated funds deposited in our account to accrue interest, and shop around for different banking accounts that pay a fair interest rate on a balance. The committee is open to any comments or discussion the Region may have.
11am MST
Region II Treasurers Report
$13,453.24 Region II account
$2,000 Safety 2.R account
1. September Expenses
No September expenses at this time
2. September Income
OBOA (Military Families Program) $3652.00