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Writer: Region II of ICC Region II of ICC

November 13th 2019, Meeting Minutes

Immediate Past President: Jack E Applegate, Oregon (541) 484-9080

President: Mark Panilo, Alaska (907)267-4975

Vice-President: Russell Murphy, Montana (406)853-5084

Treasurer: Cody Gunn, Montana (406)698-3936

Secretary: Stephanie Jacobson, Oregon (503) 742-4473

Meeting called to order by President Mark Panilo at 10:03 a.m. Pacific Standard Time

Attending on the call:

Name Representing or Calling From:

Mark Panilo Region II President (AK)

Jack Applegate Region II Immediate Past President (OR)

Russell Murphy Region II Vice President (MT)

Stephanie Jacobson Region II Secretary (OR)

CJ Marincus Region II Director at Large (OR)

Cache Olson Region II Director at Large (ID)

Kraig Stevenson ICC Government Relations

Jim Brown ICC Board of Directors

David Spencer ICC Board of Directors

Mike Boso ICC Board of Directors

Steve McDaniels ICC Board of Directors

Greg Wheeler ICC Board of Directors

Michelle Linebarger OR

Trace Justice WA

Ted Zuk OR

Charlie Allen ID

Rick Benton MT

Teri Ottens STAFF

Call to order:

Presidents opening comments:

Previous and continuing business:

1. Approval of Minutes – Motion to approve David Spencer, Jim Brown – Second

2. Approval of Treasurers Report – Russell Murphy – Scholarship reimbursement, training expenses, board travel expenses have finally come out of account giving a more accurate view of what is currently in our accounts. Bank of Idaho does have online banking we are able to access, so this should fit our needs. Working on creating separate account for Safety 2.R account to help keep things separate. Current checking is $13,443.97, Safety 2.R account $2000.00 for a total of $15,443.97. Jack Applegate has already submitted for reimbursement for his Alaska travel. Motion to approve: Dave Spencer, Second Jim Brown.

3. ICC Board Member Comments:

1. David Spencer – Eastern Wa. chapter has officially been approved at board meeting. Everyone was very pleased in meeting to hear that this had previously been an IAPMO chapter that had been converted. Ad Hoc committee on ABM business and elections to be sun-setted at this time.

2. Jim Brown – ICC officially opened office in Dubai. Board met in Barbados last week, did some really good work. They passed the budget, did some really serious work and had a good time. Meeting with Caribbean Community, 15 member nation organization, hospitality was very good. Spent whole day with Carricom, ASTM was there, ASHRAE was there, Caribbean Bank and World Bank were there. Carricom has updated energy code to 2018 IECC with projections in the coming years to update other code updates as well. Dereck Omar, their CEO or Carricom, was very complimentary of ICC and appreciated us being there, since we were there due to their invitation.

3. Steve McDaniels – December 6th was final date for online voting. Just a reminder that chapter benefits includes a website.

4. Mike Boso – Should have in your email the new ICCPULSE which includes new FEMA document (document 2055) post disaster safety evaluation guide. ICC had a lot of input on this document. Will be looking into a national certification for disaster assessment inspectors. If you ever need anything from ICC call Dave Spencer or Jim Brown.

4. State/Regional/Local Chapter Comments:

1. Mark Panilo – Alaska Central Chapter class on mold in built environment. Taught by Martin Schwan, past president of ICC Alaska Central Chapter. Alaska ABM next week. Hosting accessibility and usability in commercial residential buildings.

2. Jack Applegate – Eastern Wa. Group forming, transferred all previous funds to new. Formed from IAPMO. Congrats to them and all of their hard work.

3. Cache Olson – Inspector luncheon coming up on the 18th. Get together to come together on uniformity on what is being called out in the field. IDABO legislative luncheon, had 30 legislators attend, only had 1 or 2 that were doubtful on the energy code. IDABO training in last week of January.

4. Trace Justice – WABO January meeting with legislature to discuss some state issues as far as codes as well as to raise the profile of the building official, annual education institute in March 23-27th, extended by 1 day due to code adoption process this year.

5. David Spencer – Important for everyone in WA to realize that as we move to a digital world, previously bought paper books, if you are a WA chapter and can hold off until ICC can complete the WA codes with WA amendments built into them, ICC and WABO have an agreement where WABO gets a stipend of the sales.

6. Ted Zuk – ICC ABM had 26 delegates from Oregon, which means participation is up. Last QBM had 80 people. Membership is more engaged. Oregon BCD has decided that Chapter 1, are not our local chapters anymore, they’re saying those are only the state chapters, which left us scrambling to come up with a local adoption. Will be moving back to 2014 Chapter 1 as a stopgap until we can get local amendments to take care of Chapter 1 issue. Also changing the way they are looking at the codes. BCD will now be taking a look at it, making their own amendments, them putting it out for local comments. Next QBM will be at Marion County at Public Works Building on Jan 17th, which is when we will start to preview legislation coming out of short session in Oregon Legislature. Shout out to Trace and Dave, really appreciate the comradery with WABO.

7. CJ Marincus – Steve Thomas unavailable so they’re rescheduling 2 day commercial plan review class. Free class on January 9th reviews IBC and IEBC for fire sprinkler requirements in both new and existing buildings.

8. Michelle Linbarger – Opening in Dubai, has been working with some ICC staff in order to get Cuppy there, so should be part of the grand opening in February.

5. ICC Staff Comments:

1. Kraig Stevenson – BSM 2020, sent out link, shows what 4 different weeks are this year: disaster preparedness, water safety, resiliency in sustainability innovation, and training the next generation. Get together to plan on activities, get proclamations. WA state has not only Eastern WA, which is a new chapter, but earlier in this year the Washington Association of Code Enforcement Officers was also granted ICC chapter status, has been working on has to do with code official assault bill, which raises level of assault in getting sentences that are appropriate to try to prevent assaults occurring on code enforcement officers. If anybody has information on how assaults on public officials, send link to me, because there will be a continuing effort to raise from a misdemeanor to some level of felony assault. Montana has educational institute March 16th-19th, board meeting will be March 16th. If able to attend that’s a great training venue and will be doing instruction to 2018 codes. ½ day training on IRC plumbing provisions, Montana has previously only adopted chapters 1-10 wither several states in Region II doing the same. WA adopts fuel gas and mechanical provisions, other states only adopt limited portion of IRC. Value in economical value of plumbing code produced by ICC. Region I law changed 2 years ago, now have IRC adopted by state statute with no state provisions. State must comply by August of 2020, counties at local level by 2021.

6. Call to Committees after 1st of the year.

New Business:

1. Cache Olson – IDABO training Jan 27th, 30th/31st.

Adjournment: Motion to close: David Spencer, second Jim Brown, meeting adjourned at 10:53 am PST.

MEETING AGENDA FOR: January 8, 2020 Teleconference

The teleconference number is: 1-844-740-1264. Conference ID# 93613298. The call will commence at

11:00 am Mountain Time, 10:00 am Pacific Time, 9:00 am Alaska Time.

Please mute your telephone until you intend to speak. Also, please request to comment through the President and identify yourself before speaking.

Call to Order: Introductions

Presidents Opening Comments: Mark

Previous and Continuing Business:

1. Approval of Minutes

2. Treasurers Report- Cody

3. ICC Board Members Comments

4. State and Regional Chapter Comments

5. Partner Comments- ICC Staff

New Business:

1. Military Families coop with Region 1 Educode 2020 – Jack

2. Major Jurisdiction Committee appointee Sam Steele update

Open Discussion: Adjournment:


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